It depends on you.
Questions I had for the breast augmentation consultation were:
1. Is there rapport?
It was important for me to feel some sort of rapport since I would be an out of state patient. I needed to feel like I was in good hands.
My virtual consultation involved an exchange of multiple emails with Dr. Kim who was always timely with responses. An open line of communication is something I highly value. It was reassuring to know that he was available even though I was a only a potential patient.
2. What does breast augmentation involve?
During the consultation I learned about options to consider for surgery, preparation for surgery and recovery from surgery.
I had some homework to do on the following:
What kind of implant do I want?
What type of incision?
What size implant?
*Where the implant is placed is usually determined by the surgeon.
These were questions that would be addressed again during my preoperative appointment and day of surgery.
For preparation, I learned about what was required to basically get medical clearance for surgery.
For recovery, I learned about activity restrictions that could impact when I could return to work.
I did not ask about complications, because this was something I heavily researched before considering a breast augmentation.
3. Can I afford it?
Price varied on what type of implant is placed. Credit card and Care Credit could be used to finance the procedure.
After the consultation, I still was not a hundred percent certain about the implant type I wanted and implant size. I knew this was something I had to look further into. I also knew that I had multiple in person opportunities to talk about it.
I did not opt for an in office visit, because all of my questions and concerns were addressed.